Make a Wish,

Create with Genie

Genie helps artists train their own Generative AI models with custom datasets, creating art and releasing interactive drops for their community derived from their style.
Scroll to Unleash the Genie
Made by Artists, for Artists

Your style, Your legacy

Empowering Creative
Community Engagement
Copyright Ownership

Train your own

AI Art Models

At the heart of Genie is a set of open source and custom-developed algorithms designed to fine-tune models with remarkable quality and efficiency. Our approach allows for the rapid customisation of the AI to cater to specific artistic styles, ensuring that each generated artwork is not only high quality but also deeply personalized and reflective of the artist’s legacy.

Create artwork

in your own style

Once trained, Genie becomes the ideal creative companion. Whether it is to brainstorm or create commercially-ready outputs, it gives artists the tools to generate artwork by simply describing their vision in words. Importantly, Genie is an ethical AI and provides artists with full control over their unique IP and style.

Deploy your

Genie on Base

Genie provides a powerful collector and community engagement tool which can be deployed on Base, and provides new ways for artists to monetise their style. For the collectors, the excitement of being able to experiment first hand with their favourite artist’s creative universe is the dominating feeling. Whether it is through generative drops or curated collections, the sky is the limit for artists to share Genie with their communities.

Ethical Generative AI

All tailored to unleash your creativity, and protect your legacy while creating engaging experiences with your community.
Train your own model
Text to Image
Text to Animation
Sketch to Image
Creative Upscaling
Animate Image
Text to Vector Graphics
Speech to Image
Autonomous Genie Agents
Creative Art Copywriter

Common Questions

What is Genie?
Genie stands as the premier WEB3-enabled Generative AI art platform, catering to both digital and traditional artists. It empowers artists to train their own Generative AI models using custom datasets, enabling them to create art and launch interactive drops that uniquely reflect their personal style.
How does Genie support artists?
Genie acts as a creative companion for artists. It understands an artist’s style at a deeper level, offering endless creativity without fatigue. It is designed to be user-friendly, requiring no technical expertise from artists to be effectively utilized. Genie empowers artists to experiment and commercialize their work directly on the platform.
What are the core benefits of Genie?
Reliability and Flexibility:
Artists can train their own AI models with unparalleled reliability and flexibility.

Copyright Protection:
Artists retain ownership and control over their intellectual property (style).

Community Engagement:
Unique and immersive mint experiences enhance the interaction between the artist and their community.
How can I get access to Genie?
Currently, access to Genie is by invitation only. During this invitation-only phase, Genie is collaborating with artists, museums, and foundations to craft unique art creation experiences, setting the stage for broader access in the near future.
How is Genie different from other AI tools?
Genie combines user-friendly AI training, copyright-enforcement and web3-deployability into a single Generative AI art innovative solution.
Any more questions?
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